Radiant Floor
Heating a Bathroom Floor
Is cork a good match for an electric radiant floor?
Hedging Bets on a Heating and Cooling System
Does it make sense to Install both a hydronic heat system and a heat pump for AC?
Solar Thermal is NOT Dead
Solar thermal systems produce hot water in an environmentally responsible way
A Tinkerer’s Quest for Green Perfection
A Vermont couple builds a retirement home bristling with new technology, but they find it’s never too late to experiment
All About Radiant Floors
Although in-floor hydronic tubing provides comfortable space heating, these systems are expensive and rarely appropriate for a well-designed house
Upgrading a Shop’s Heating System
The radiant-floor system isn't working well, and the owner wants a new approach
How to Choose the Right Mechanical System
There's no one system that works for all projects, so how do you choose?
Goodbye Radiant Floor
An in-floor hydronic heat distribution system may be overkill for a tight, well insulated house
Should I Turn Down Radiant-Floor Heat at Night?
GBA readers and editors discuss whether thermostat setbacks make radiant systems work too hard in the morning