Raft Slab
Thermal Control in a Monolithic Slab
Placing a turn-down slab outside the conditioned space removes the thermal bridge
Different Types of Insulated Slabs
Slabs with frostwalls, monolithic slabs, frost-protected slab foundations, and insulated raft slabs
High-Performance Raft Slab
This versatile frost-protected shallow foundation is adaptable for different wall systems and climates
Can This Panelized System Solve Your Enclosure Problems?
The Build Smart system makes it easy to control heat, air, and water
Prefabricated Foam Forms for Slab Foundations
Developers look to Sweden for techniques on forming frost-protected slabs faster and with far less labor than conventional foundations
Vermont House Uses Only Half a Cord of Firewood
In Ripton, Vermont, this fuel-stingy replica of Chris Corson’s Maine Passivhaus was heated last winter by a small wood stove
Foam Under Footings
Yes, you can build your house on rigid foam — as long as you can convince your local code official to let you do it