Undoing Previous Home Renovations
Dismantling earlier modifications made in an older home leads to the discovery and resolution of water and air leakage issues
Tackling an Energy Remodel in New Hampshire
A new homeowner weighs two options: gutting walls to install new insulation, or adding rigid foam to the building's exterior
A New App Creates 3-D Scans
With an iPad, the manufacturer says, a user can produce accurate scans of an eight-room house in about 30 minutes
Seven Reasons to Gut Your Aging Bathroom
The real problems with an out-of-date bathroom are beneath the surface
Remodeling Contractors Talk About Energy Retrofits
Owners want to fix up their homes — but some of them aren’t sure they want to invest in energy efficiency
Air Flow Pathways in a Leaky Exterior Wall
I found some interesting air leakage evidence while remodeling my bathroom
What Should Be Done With This House?
In a thoughtful dialog, Paul Eldrenkamp and Ken Neuhauser imagine what might happen to eight houses over the next few decades
Device Simplifies Building Rehabs
A backpack-like device catalogs a building's layout and mechanicals while an inspector walks through, creating a 3-D map
From a Leaky Old House to a Tight New Home
A young couple retrofits the house next door as an investment in deep energy savings
The ‘Lock-In’ Concept and Passivhaus Construction
It’s better to save up your money for a deep-energy retrofit in a few years than it is to implement less comprehensive measures now