Superinsulation- Page 3 of 5
An Update on the Pretty Good House — Part 1
A commonsense approach to designing and building a green home
All About Embodied Energy
For ordinary buildings, embodied energy isn’t very important — but what about superinsulated buildings?
Massachusetts Owner-Builders Complete a Superinsulated Home
This passive solar saltbox is heated by a single ductless minisplit
A Pioneer of Low-Energy Homes Since 1973
Bruce Brownell has been building foam-insulated homes in the Adirondacks for decades
Designing Superinsulated Walls
Once they’re filled with cellulose insulation, our 14-inch-thick double-stud walls will perform at R-53
Joseph Lstiburek Surprises Passive House Conference Attendees
Dr. Joe mixes history, insight, and wit — and decides to show his nice side
Study Shows That Expensive Windows Yield Meager Energy Returns
An engineer investigating ways to optimize the design of net-zero-energy homes concludes that inexpensive triple-glazed windows are good enough
Plans and Pricing for Our House in Maine
Chris Briley has drawn up our plans, and we’re trying to get a better handle on costs
A Proposed Passivhaus Amendment for New England
Energy efficiency specialist Marc Rosenbaum suggests ways to address deficiencies in the Passivhaus standard and revise it for New England’s climate
A Superinsulated House in Rural Minnesota
A tight building envelope and plenty of insulation mean low energy bills — even for a home with electric resistance heat