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Green Building News

Early Bird Rates Still Apply For Allison Bailes’ Course

Beginning October 27, Bailes will teach a seven-week online interactive course on building science

Allison Bailes is a physicist with a sense of humor. This fall, Bailes will be teaching on online course called "Mastering Building Science."

Fans of Allison Bailes’ blogs who act soon can enroll in his upcoming interactive online course for only $895.

The seven-week course, “Mastering Building Science,” is scheduled to begin on October 27. Bailes warns prospective students that the course is not intended for novices: “Maybe you’ve taken a HERS rater or BPI class. Perhaps you’re an HVAC designer or installer, architect, or engineer who sees a benefit in becoming a master in building science. … This class is for the person who has a handle on the fundamental principles of building science already. You know, for example, how heat flows, the meaning of ACH50, and how much mechanical ventilation air is required by ASHRAE 62.2. What you want now are more specifics, more details, and more depth.”

Students who sign up for the course are promised “lots of personal interaction with Dr. Bailes and your classmates.”

Presented in collaboration with Heatspring, an online education portal, the course is scheduled for October 27 to December 12, 2014. The cost is $1,195. Those who enroll soon are eligible for an early-bird discount that reduces the tuition to $895.

More information is available on the Heatspring website: Mastering Building Science.


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