Image Credit: Hammer & Hand
Hammer & Hand, a well-known construction company in the Pacific Northwest, has posted its Best Practices Manual online.
Used by Hammer & Hand carpenters in the field, the guide includes 180 step-by-step illustrations on dealing with a range of details, including crawl spaces, rainscreens, window installation, and wall penetrations.
“We’re launching this section of our site in the spirit of collaboration,” co-owner Sam Hagerman wrote. “The details contained within have been developed through extensive in-the-dirt experience and informed by our building science training and research. They’re details that we have found combine durability, performance, and constructability in our Pacific Northwest climate.”
The company, founded in 1995 by Hagerman and Daniel Thomas, has offices in both Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, where it’s housed in the Bullitt Center. The company has tackled a variety of high-performance, high-end designs, including projects built to the Passivhaus standard, and also makes custom wood doors for Passivhaus buildings.
Hammer & Hand has won a number of awards, including Custom Builder of the Year in 2014 from Earth Advantage.
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Link to Best Practice Manual
I don't think the above link works. Here is the correct link. I really appreciate their commitment to quality to sharing information.
Response to Lucy Foxworth
Thanks for notifying us of the bad link. I've fixed it.
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