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A Christmas Carol gets recorded

Martin Holladay | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Greg Cutler and Peter Troast of The Energy Circle surprised us by recording a rendition of “The Blower Door Man Is Coming to Town.”

Listen to it here:
Christmas Carols from the Energy Nerd.

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  1. j chesnut | | #1

    'tis the season for blower door inspections.

    This was timely as the Blower Door Man came to my home today.
    For Christmas my CFM @ 50 Pasc was reduced from 2,925 to 1,625.

    I did some minor air sealing around the house but this is mostly due to dense packing the balloon framed walls with cellulose. I still have potential for further improvement when I get around to air sealing and improving the insulation of the attic space after I install the now needed exhaust ventilation.

  2. Riversong | | #2

    On a rainy Xmas season in 1996, I wrote this to the tune of White Christmas:

    Robert Riversong

    I'm dreading it's a wet Christmas,
    Unlike the ones I ever knew.
    With the ozone depleted
    And greenhouse gas excreted,
    We're bringing the tropics here, it's true.

    I'm dreading it's a wet Christmas,
    Every child's nightmare coming true.
    So get out your galoshes;
    In the puddles we'll make sploshes.
    Poor Santa's getting wet and turning blue.

    Yes, I'm dreading it's a wet Christmas,
    But don't you fret and have no fear.
    We'll get used to this before you know,
    And on the 4th of July we'll get our snow.

  3. Riversong | | #3

    And, just two years later, during the snowiest Spring Equinox I could remember (the north side of my house was buried from roof to ground), I wrote this version:

    Robert Riversong
    Spring 1998

    I'm dreading it's a white equinox,
    Unlike the ones I ever knew.
    When the peepers should be calling,
    The snowflakes they are falling.
    The wind is cold and I am blue.

    I'm dreading it's a white equinox,
    Unlike the ones in days of yore.
    When night and day should be equal,
    It's a winter story sequel.
    I don't know if I can shovel any more.

    I'm dreading it's a white equinox.
    El NiƱo's got us by the balls.
    The sun it is hiding.
    My car it is still sliding.
    Global warming's on my wish list first of all.

    I'm dreading it's a white equinox,
    But don't your fret and have no fear.
    Summer solstice will soon be here,
    Though we may not need a cooler for our beer.

  4. user-757117 | | #4

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