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Air sealing rimfieldstone foundation from exterior

dustindawind | Posted in General Questions on

Recently had my home air sealed and insulated by MassSave but I can still feel air coming through in places. In new builds, I see liquid flashing being applied at the foundation. My home was built ~1900.  Would it be okay to apply something like Zip LiquidFlash if I can get to the exterior interface of the rim beams and foundation? Would a cheaper sealant be just as good?

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  1. walta100 | | #1

    How dry is your basement? Before you work the air leakage you must any water leakage.

    You may find this article interesting.


  2. dustindawind | | #2

    Frankly, there is a zero percent likelihood that we would do that to our house!

    As far as dryness, I've been measuring my basement humidity since December, It's stayed between 40-50% even in and after heavier rains. In the past 3 summers, I've had to use a dehumidifier 24/7 in the summer, BUT it was far from air sealed... I discovered that there is a huge leak across the entire front of the house that I'm addressing these next couple weeks. This Summer I'll be installing a HPHW and then supplement with dehumidifier that triggers on when it's above 60%.

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