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Am I a fool?

HawaiiNoob | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hi There, 

I am new to the community an an inexperienced first time homeowner.  I have been making several improvements to my home in Hawaii, including a Solar installation.  We took down the top floor ceiling to run solar wires underneath.  Prior to putting the ceiling back, I hired a company to do closed cell spray foam in an effort to take down the heat up there (no trees or shade so it gets hot).  I am now reading about all these potential harmful effects of spray foam, potential odors and am really anxious I have done something to put my young family in jeopardy (its their bedrooms).  I also am not sure I like not being able to see my roof as relates to leaks, etc.  I wish I had gone with batt insulation but I thought I was using the most effective option. I’m terribly upset about it, and I hope someone can allay my fears and help reassure me I have made a sound decision.  I have included pictures of what chemicals were used. 

Thank you – I hope I made a good choice. 

Anxious in Hawaii

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  1. Expert Member


    No you are fine. The problems with spray foam are due to bad batches and show up immediately, manifesting as strong odors and irritation to the eyes and throat. If you didn't have issues right away, you are in the clear.

    The common idea that you should keep your roof open to find leaks makes no sense.

    You are all good. Enjoy your newly insulated and solar producing roof!

    1. HawaiiNoob | | #3

      Thank you so much for your perspective Malcolm!

  2. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #2

    I'll add that you're not a fool, since you sought out help and asked a question. That's always a good way to go.

    I'll second Malcolm here. Spray foam is usually fine, if you have an experienced contractor do the installation. Bad batches and installs are rare, and you know pretty much right away if you have a bad install. Good installs stay good forever, as the material does not degrade over time. If you aren't having horrible stink problems right now (and you'd know immediately if that was the case), then you won't have any problems down the road.

    I don't worry about covering up the roof sheathing on the interior, either. Most people don't check their roof, so they don't know about a leak until it comes inside through the walls or ceiling. Spray foam won't stop a bad leak like that. Just keep up on roof maintenance on the exterior and you'll be fine. My guess is you don't have to worry about ice dams in Hawaii, and that's usually where the worst leaks come from :-)


    1. HawaiiNoob | | #5

      Thank you so much for your perspective Bill!

  3. Deleted | | #4


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