Andersen 400 Series patio door kit – Home Depot product

((Sorry if this a bit outside the normal box for this site/forum but I could not post this question on the Breaktime site due to technical issues so thought I would present it here.)) Anyway. . .
I was in HomeDepot the other day and saw that they are now selling an Andersen 400 Series (sliding) patio door “system/kit.” You basically purchase the following 4 separate components and assemble the unit on site:
(1) Door Jamb Kit – Appears to be a disassembled door jamb (4 sections) in a box;
(2) Doors – Choose a right or left operation door panel and a fixed panel;
(3) Hardware – Grab a box of door hardware;
(4) Screen – Purchase the boxed, pre-assembled screen.
The price appeared to be around $1,500 for the entire unit.
All of this could be loaded in the back of a mini van (with seats folded down).
Here’s my QUESTIONS:
1) Anyone yet seen/used this product?
2) Does this raise the same integrity concerns with you as with me? (Ignoring the normal big box concerns) Compared to an assemble unit, as I have traditionally used, seems like these “kits” can’t be as solid. Also, the price, especially for a 400 series unit with wood interior, raises alarm bells and indicates they can’t be as sound.
I look forward to any thoughts or feedback!
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Pat, Andersen had a similar product (Frenchwood) that I assembled and installed for a client sometime in the early 90's and it was still working ten years later. I'm sure they have updated some of the details in the meantime, and there are now a lot of good alternatives to Andersen, but it's also not that complicated to screw and seal a door frame together.
I have three Andersen 400 series sliders in my home as well as Andersen 100 series windows. I had considered the 100 series sliders, but the rep told me I probably would find them to be a bit flimsy. So far I am satisfied with how the Andersen products are performing. In my previous home, I installed Marvin all-wood windows, and their durability was abysmal.
All that said, I would consider Intus doors and windows if buying at this point. I was able to install an Intus front door on my current home, and it is an outstanding product.
I was going to use the Integrity Wood-Ultrex (French) sliding door.
The client is a friend so I want to be sure I give them the best product within their budget.