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What to Expect from an Air-Source Heat Pump Annual Maintenance Appointment

forcedexposure | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Hi good folks,

I’ve got my first annual maintenance appointment scheduled for my Mitsubishi heat pumps and wonder what I should expect. What happens when they do the annual maintenance?

I’ve already cleaned the fans. Do they test the lines for leaks? What should I look out for when the technician shows up?

thank you, Kris

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1


    Is this a split or conventional forced air unit?

    1. forcedexposure | | #2

      Good morning,

      I have 2 x MSZ-FH06NA upstairs and 1 x MFZ—KJ09NA downstairs, ductless mini splits. Each indoor unit has its own outdoor unit, in a one to one configuration. So, outdoors there are 2 x MUZ-FH06NA and 1 x MUFZ-KJ09NAHZ-U1.

      The company says the maintenance will take 2-3 hours.

      Thanks, Kris

  2. user-2310254 | | #3


    This article may be helpful (but possibly too late for your maintenance visit):

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