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Best tiny house soffit/facia detail for waterproofing

grobinson92 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Currently building a tiny house on an 8’x24′ trailer. The framing runs all the way to the edge of the trailer so that the sheathing can cover the subfloor and about 1/2″ of the trailer framing. The roof has one ridge beam, about half is a 3/12 pitch over the loft and 9/12 over the living space. I cut the ends of the rafters flush with the edge of the framing so that the sheathing runs to the top of the rafters and will be sealed via ZIP system to the roof decking. 

My question is, what would be the best detail for creating some type of eve/rake for the house? The max-width is 8’6 and with sheathing, I’m already at 8’1″. I’m considering adding a 2×4 piece of sub-facia that wraps the house and then attaching a 1×8 piece of the facia. That would bring me out to 8′ 5 1/2″, probably right at 8′ 6″ with the drip edge.  Hoping between the drip edge and the facia to break the surface tension of water. 


On the 24′ side of the trailer I could make an outrigger since the length is not an issue however I am slightly concerned about the lift that would be placed on the outrigger during transportation and so I would ideally with to come up with a solution I can use informally around the house. 

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