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Can cellulose insulation in an attic be re-fluffed?

rCuwc2BFrU | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

I am installing new light fixtures in the ceiling of a house with cellulose in the attic. As I move around up there, the insulation is being compressed. I assume that this will lessen its effectiveness. What can I do or have done to regain the value of the insulation?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Although the R-value of cellulose decreases slightly as it settles or is compressed, the compressed insulation is better at resisting air leakage.

    It isn't worth the time it would take to develop a way to fluff your existing insulation. If you want to improve the insulation's R-value, it makes far more sense to simply add more cellulose on top. Cellulose is relatively cheap.

  2. Riversong | | #2

    Just smooth it out so there are no thin spots.

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