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Can I retrofit an expansion joint between a driveway & house where none exists?

drees1742 | Posted in General Questions on

I recently had a new driveway installed where the contractor did not follow our ‘verbally agreed’ understanding that expansion joints were to be used against all permanent structures (this was my mistake).

Is there any method your aware of that I can cut the concrete away from the house ¾” and fill with an equivalent product that would serve as an expansion joint?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You can cut concrete with a concrete saw. However, you probably can't get the kerf right up next to your foundation. The kerf will probably be an inch or two away from the foundation.

    Once the saw has cut through the concrete driveway, you can use a commercial caulk (sealant) -- probably a silicone product -- to fill the gap.

  2. jinmtvt | | #2

    Look at Sika products for the filler.
    As Martin pointed out, u won't be able to cut it up to the wall ( unless it is from a garange entry )
    but it does not matter much, the joint will still do its job even if a few inches away from the walls.

  3. Expert Member

    David, You might be better off moving the joint at least two feet away from the house so that the remaining strip of slab has some structural strength and won't crack.

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