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Dishwashers for small families

jwilson7 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

What’s the most energy efficient approach for washing dishes for a family of 2?
We dirty 2 place settings (2 dinner plates, 2 bowls and 2 small plates)/day. Our dishwasher holds 5 or 6 days of dishes. We only own 6 place settings, not enough to run a full load.

We live in a condo, don’t pay for water usage (hot or cold).

Currently we wash by hand and use the dishwasher as a drying rack. We probably run the dish washer a couple of times a year.

I wonder if one of the new drawer-sized dish washers would work better. We’re planning construction on a weekend home where we would only generate one full load a month.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    In case you missed it, here is a link to a relevant article: All About Dishwashers.

  2. jwilson7 | | #2

    Hi Martin,

    It was this very article that prompted my question. I see photos of full dishwashers and note, we don't own that many dishes and if we did it would take a week to fill our dishwasher.

  3. NickWelch | | #3

    I would suspect that a CEE Tier 3 dishwasher with "top rack only" option would be the best bang for the buck. Perhaps a narrower model too.

    Drawer units might be a good option, though I believe they carry a price premium.

    Another option is a countertop dishwasher, but they are generally low end no-name brands and have no efficiency ratings. They also hook up to the faucet, which is annoying. I imagine they're mostly meant for apartments where you can't install a dishwasher.

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