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Dissertation about “sharing” energy

UlasY | Posted in General Questions on
Hello everyone,
I am an undergraduate student at Newcastle University London and I am currently writing my dissertation about the peer-to-peer trading of energy (the concept of the sharing economy, e.g. Uber or Airbnb). I am exploring how willing energy producers are to sell/’share’ their excess energy via digital platforms and what their motivations would be for that. It would be a great help and appreciated if you fill out my questionnaire which takes about three to five minutes.
Thank you for your time!  🙂

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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo | | #1

    I did it Ulas, and it took barely 2 minutes.

    Good luck with your dissertation.

    1. UlasY | | #2

      Thank you Brian, much appreciated!

  2. jberks | | #3


    I believe sharing economies will be a lot more prominent in our futures. sharing electricity is an interesting concept.

    Do well.

  3. tommay | | #4

    Why don't you do a paper on how the universe is full of energy and that it should be, and really is, free for all....We just harness it and transmit it.

  4. CraigRo | | #5

    That was fun. Thanks for sharing!

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