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Does anyone have thermal images showing poorly-installed fiberglass in walls

bHqUcamKme | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I have a service club presentation Monday based on an energy audit that I performed in March. During my thermal camera sweep, I clearly saw major flaws in the wall insulation of an addition that was caused by poor installation of fiberglass batts. The homeowner, who has consented to me sharing the results of his audit with his fellow club members, installed the insulation himself without a lot of knowledge about how to do so properly.

The problem is that the thermal images I took were lost during a computer crash a month ago. So I’d like to find some similar thermal images of mottled or poorly fitted fiberglass to use for demonstration purposes. Does anyone have images they could share?

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    I can dig some up in the next couple of days....

  2. bHqUcamKme | | #2

    Thanks, David.

  3. davidmeiland | | #3

    Curtis, please email me david at meiland dot com

    I can attach some images to a reply.

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