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Drainable Housewrap Best Practices for Window Installation?

BrunoF | Posted in General Questions on

I am planning on installing flanged Vinyl windows in my house and am also planning on using Benjamin Obdyke Hydrogap for the drainable WRB.  The installation instructions for the Hydogap show three different options for detailing the WRB around the windows but I don’t see any guidance on which is best or most appropriate for flanged windows.  They show the “fold in method”, “window first method”, and the “cut-back method”.

I am looking for guidance on which method is best for flanged PVC windows being installed into an OSB sheathed wall.


Here is the link to their instructions for reference:

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Unfortunately there are a good dozen variations of flanged window installation that all work fine if executed correctly.

    This is pretty close to how I do it, although I include a metal head flashing:

    If you would prefer to install the windows first:

    1. BrunoF | | #2


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