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Energy Retrofit Colorado Mountains

gphilbeck | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hello All, 
      I have been following GBA for some time now, and I am finally ready (within a year) to retrofit my house. I am in Climate Zone 7A. From reading many of the blogs and articles, I know that my house description would absolutely horrify Mr. Holladay! -Built Late 90’s, cathedral ceilings, can lights, batt insulation, T&G ceilings nailed directly to ceiling joists, and on and on.  I know what I want to do, but I am really looking for a local “guide” in Colorado, to help me make wise decisions. I have not located anyone in the mountain area perusing the web. I hope to rebuild a 50 year house in this harsh climate. Thank you all for any referrals or suggestions 

George Philbeck

GBA Prime

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    Hi George,

    I will give your post a bump and make a suggestion. You might want to see if there are any RESNET folks in your area ( He/she might be able to develop a strategy and identify resources.

  2. user-723121 | | #2

    The Boulder, CO area is a likely place to search for information on high performance residential building and retrofit.

    You might also check with PHIUS,

    Another resource:

  3. gphilbeck | | #3

    Hello Gentlemen,
    Thank you for the information. I am still sorting through those references, and Boulder is likely the best bet. It really is kind of sad there are so few resources in the mountain areas, that could really benefit from improvements in building practices

  4. qofmiwok | | #4

    Talk to Enrico Bonilauri at Emu. ( He's in Denver area.

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