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General question about spans of ICF over window/doors openings

alexdorf | Posted in General Questions on

Anyone know what is the generally accepted maximum span ICF can carry over a door or long window system. While I’d get the struct details from an engineer, just curious about this in general as we look at ICF for an up coming project; the idea is to cost out replacing some LVL headers and posts. 

If there’s span tables out there with load capacity that you’ve come across that would be great. Just using as a guide at this point.

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Alex, IRC section R608 has the rules for building with ICFs, including header span tables and related requirements:

    Check out section R608.8 for header requirements:

    1. alexdorf | | #2

      Awesome! Thank you.

  2. jackofalltrades777 | | #3

    I have had ICF lintels span 18 feet (garage door). There is a prescriptive method you can use or just get an engineer.

  3. alexdorf | | #4

    I found this great link as a reference as well

    While I use an engineer, I try to inform myself as best as possible to have more productive discussions.

    Appreciate everyone's input !!

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