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Gap at Top of Hardie Plank Wall

Ryan_SLC | Posted in General Questions on

I cannot for the life of me find the solution to a 1-2″ gap required at the top of a Hardie Plank wall detail.

I assume GBA is good with this gap because it guarantees proper rain screen air flow at the bottom and the top. So good there.

But what does that mean for the appearance? How do you solve the shadow and visible gap? I feel I went above and beyond to get stainless steel screen to act as a second bug screen, but even Matt R. uses just standard plastic door screen material. But again…1″ or eve 2″? That’s a visible defect. I see almost none doing it. What can be done to appropriately cover while maintaining whatever it is that Hardie feels needs 1-2 inches from rafter/soffit/roof contact?

Any direction?

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Can you share what requirement you are referring to? I don't use fiber cement so I'm not familiar with their requirements.

    There are lots of ways to ventilate the top of a rainscreen, some easier than others, some prettier than others.

    Edit to add: perhaps you're mistaking their requirement for a 2" gap at the bottom where it's against a roof or something else that could lead to the planks absorbing water? I skimmed through their best practices manual, which appears very well done, but I don't see anything special for requirements at the top.

  2. brendanalbano | | #2

    Here is one of the ways it can be detailed:

    That detail has a 1/4" gap however. I also haven't encountered requirements to have a 1-2" gap at the top of a rainscreen.

  3. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


    The Hardi installation manual shows the two butted together in various details. See Page 78 on.

  4. Ryan_SLC | | #4

    I think I might have confused the requirement of Hardie to be off a butting roof or deck by 2".

    Sorry guys! Thank you for saving myself!

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