Help with old church insulation and air barrier

We’re doing some eneregy upgrades in our church and I’m looking for advice on the assembly options for this equipment loft space. We’re in climate zone 4a. The roofing material is asphalt shingles.
The existing roof rafters are 6 1/4″ and it varies but around 18″ wide bays. At some point in the past 2×4’s were nailed horizontally across the vertical rafters and r-19 faced fiberglass was installed. They left an air vent behind the fiberglass but no air chutes as far as I can tell.
We’re in the process of replacing the HVAC equipment in this space so it would be a good time to fix the insulation and air barrier issues as well as fire rate the ceiling.
I’d like 2-3 options to present and go out to bid.
Here are a couple images of the space:
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

Seems to me the photos show a big complex job with a multitude of errors and very different from the homes we mostly talk about on this site.
I think finding a consultant and paying them for a professional opinion would be the best course of action.