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Hi, does anybody know about bipolar ionization?

user-1015969 | Posted in Building Code Questions on

I would like to know if anyone is familiar with this process in residential construction and if it is accepted by building depts in the US. If accepted how does this change the amount of fresh air that is needed to be brought into a tight super insulated home? Thank you.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm skeptical concerning claims made by manufacturers of gadgets that purport to improve indoor air quality by passing air through a proprietary box. That said, here is a link to a conversation on another web forum on the issue:

    I have no opinion on this.

    To answer your other question: ASHRAE standard 62.2 sets recommendations for residential ventilation. As far as I know, purchasing a box that claims to perform "bipolar ionization" does not change ventilation requirements in any way.

  2. Expert Member

    Building code ventilation standards are set with three main goals in mind. The improvement of air quality you refer to is one. The other two are maintaining acceptable levels of CO2 and humidity. It's a one size fits all standard, and you could argue that if you had systems in place that mitigated all three potential problems that levels could be lower, but codes don't generally work that way.

  3. user-1015969 | | #3

    Thank you both Martin and Malcom I appreciate your responses.

  4. nvman | | #4

    Check that the unit meets the requirement for ozone as all electrostatic/ionization devices produce ozone. Ozone is harmful to people with asthma, COPD, reduced lung capacity.

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