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How do I air seal OSB ceiling?

mikeysp | Posted in General Questions on

zone 4a.

I am installing some recycled 3’x8′ OSB panels in the ceiling of my shop and I want it air sealed at the seems and I will be painting it.

I have acoustical sealant on hand, just not sure if that is a good solution?

I also considered installing the rest of it with 1/4″ gaps so I can use foam spray adhesive?

Thank you for your advice. 


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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    The best way is tape (3m8067 works well if rolled or with primer). The problem is paint, I don't think many paints will stick to the tape.

    The problem with either spray foam or caulk is that as the building and panels move with temperature and humidity, the caulk can separate.

    I've also had good luck simply mudding and taping OSB the same as drywall. As a belt and suspenders, you can fill all the gaps with spray foam and mud/tape over it to seal.

  2. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #2

    I agree with Akos here, and I'll add that I would not use acoustical sealant overhead, since I think it would have a tendency to drip out over time. Acoustical sealant never really sets, it is intended to stay somewhat fluid over time, so it's probably going to cold flow if used in an unsupported application like an overhead vertical gap.


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