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How do I vent the peak of a monoslope roof?

shedworkshop | Posted in General Questions on

I found lots of details out there for venting the bottom of a monoslope/shed roof, but very few discussing what to do at the top.

Are either of these details right?

It’s for a 3:12, shingled roof.

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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    Either will work. I would go for the 2nd detail, overhang the roof a bit more and use standard soffit vents.

    P.S. You also don't want to be notching your rafter on the top side like that. It can cause it to split in heavy snow country and you are reducing the amount of insulation you can put there. Use one of those rafter connectors (ie Simpson VPA) or a tapered shim above the top plate.

    1. shedworkshop | | #2

      Thanks! Glad to hear it. I was reading about heat and moisture rising and didn't know if the moisture had to be vented out the top.

      Those Simpson VPA2 ties look nice. I was originally planning on notching (only about 3/4"x3"), but for an extra $50 the VPA2 seems worth it to avoid dealing with the hassle.

  2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3

    I don't think it makes much difference either way. Venting out the top makes the roof more susceptible to leaks, but no more so that gable roofs with ridge vents. Trapping moisture is probably only a concern with very deep overhangs where the vent is tight to the siding.

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