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How should I finish brick and concrete block walls on a partially completed house I aquired?

rgr744 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I aquired a “shell” of a house and I am looking to finish it. The walls are brick facing backed by concrete block protected by a hip roof with wide overhangs. The brick is in great shape and the roof was just replaced. The interior is completed to the point of stud walls laying out the rooms. The house is not insulated and is still bare block on the interior side of the exterior walls. The windows are single pane glass and will be replaced. The house was started in the 1950’s and made weather tight but never finished inside. I would like to bring it up to modern standards especially with insulation.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The best way to insulate a masonry wall is on the exterior. However, I imagine that you want to leave the brick exterior the way it is.

    If you are insulating on the interior, you should use either rigid foam insulation (XPS, EPS, or polyisocyanurate) or spray polyurethane foam. Be sure to pay attention to the continuity of your thermal barrier, especially where the wall insulation meets the ceiling insulation.

    You may also have a problem when it comes to insulating the floor. If the house is built on a slab on grade, the best way to insulate the slab is with rigid foam on top of the slab, followed by a new plywood subfloor.

    Make sure that your insulation meets the minimum R-value requirements specified in your local building code.

  2. rgr744 | | #2

    That's what I was thinking. Thanks Dan

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