Ice / Water shield went down before drip edge.

My roofer couldn’t get over prior to a bunch of rain in the forecast so I told my framer to put the ice/water shield on… My error. Now the ice water shield is cut at the edges with no drip edge.
How would you guy approach this?
My thought is.. Prosoco liquid wrb on the end of the OSB sheathing to prevent wicking, Ice water shield on the face of the fascia board, Place the drip edge and tape over it with 12″ of ice/water shield ?
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It's not as crucial as you might think. Many roofers put drip edge over I&W as SOP and call it good. The reasoning is that the drip edge is for water coming off the end of the shingles and the I&W is for those rare occasions where water is getting back under the shingle like when an ice dam forms or you have hurricane winds.
Whether you have an issue with it will depend on the roof pitch and if the shingles overhang the drip edge by 3/8" or more.
Of course, taping or otherwise sealing the drip edge so it blocks any water from getting under it and into the edge of the roof sheathing is better. Sealing the sheathing edge is overkill unless your roof pitch is really shallow, you have poorly installed gutters, and trees overhead.
I wouldn't sweat it. As Andy said, there is an active debate as to whether the drip edge is best placed below or above the I&WS.
Thanks gentlemen.