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If you were to replace your windows what material would you use for the frame?

azpreferred660 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

If you were to replace your windows what material would you use for the frame? And would you use a double pane with argon?

These are replacement windows for a hot climate.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If you plan to buy replacement windows, the upgrade from ordinary double glazing to low-e, argon-filled double glazing is always worth it. For more information on glazing, I suggest that you read All About Glazing Options.

    Q. "If you were to replace your windows what material would you use for the frame?"

    A. If price were no object, I would choose pultruded fiberglass.

  2. jinmtvt | | #2

    Janet, if you aren't manufacturing your new windows yourself,
    the choice of the brand/manufacturer might be more important than the material itself.

    A specific material type doesn't assure you receive quality products.

    Warranty, specs and performance rating is what you are looking for.

    On the glazin side, double pane low-e + argon is probably the minimum you should settle for in 2014, if you are not offered this option ( which i consider bare minimum ) look elsewhere.
    Also ask about price difference of triple pane as if it is lower than 10% you should also consider this option ( if your weather goes to extreme )

    As Martin pointed out, Fiberglass frames as the highest performance possibility VS cost,
    but brings the importance of correct manufacturing higher than others
    ( because of experience and material related difficulties )

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