Interested in environmentally friendly sealants

I am looking at sealing the concrete slab of my basement, a large living space.
1. I have examined three products: Enduroseal, Xypex and Lithi-tek LS 9500. All claim to emit no VOCs. Enduroseal hardens into nonsoluble silicate minerals. Xypex hardens into nonsolluble crystalline structure. Lithi- tek LS 9500 hardens at the nano level (I don’t know more than that.) Are there other environmental considerations besides VOCs for a living space? Might they form dangerous dusts? How does one assess such products environmentally? Is there any authority to consult?
2. I have a vapor barrier under the slab. Is it ok to apply these if some of them are water based and go on with a hose?
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This technology moves faster than builders can keep up.
The polyethers are much safer for users, the environment and workability/clean-up.
Look at Chemlink products: and their application guide.
Sealants and environment:
For toughness, durability, and adhesion with concrete, glass and metals, polyurethanes can't be beat. Stronger than their substrates. has quite a bit of detail on the various types and their applications.
This FHB article is often recommended but it hardly touches on the commercial industrial caulks and sealants (ones not found in suburban retail outlets).
Thank you for this response. Volleying back:
You say there is no better than polyurethanes. The article you reference from Green Building Product Dealer says eurathane and silicon based products often have shrinkage because they are based in solvents. Polyether-based is cures in water and has no solvents so is said to be more stable, and have no shrinkage. Response?
That said, the chemlink product goes on as a black asvault strate over the cement and requires further layering before flooring can go over it. Some of the other products I mentioned seem to bleed into the capillary structure of the cement and adhere to it and block these passages, which seems desirable, rather than adding a separate layer.
But what do you think about the health of the air in a well insulated basement space? Do you have any analysis of the products I mentioned (Enduroseal, Xypex and Lithi-tek LS 9500) or any alternatives that would work as part of the cement rather than as an additional layer?
Of these three products, Enduroseal goes on as a liquid from a hose, which I think I like. Xypex goes on as a foam so it doesnt seem like it would penetrate as much, but rest on top. I lean toward a water sprayed product but what is your assessment?
Finally, If you seal the floor and part way up the walls, wont moisture that does get into the cement just creep up to where you havent sealed? So after all, maybe sealing isnt really especially effective anyway?