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  1. iLikeDirt | | #1

    This kind of thing makes me wonder: what CO2 PPM can one expect indoors with various types of ventilation systems and airtightness? It certainly reinforces the enormous importance of ventilation, and kind of exonerates older, leakier buildings a bit. They may have been costing you more to heat and cool, but at least they probably weren't making you stupid.

  2. AlanB4 | | #2

    Indeed, i would like a cheap and accurate CO2 sensor to see what numbers i get at my place.

  3. iLikeDirt | | #3

    I just ordered one such device right now so I'll have at least one data point to share in a few days.

  4. iLikeDirt | | #4

    Got my monitor. 350 PPM outside, about 1050 PPM inside. Yikes. 6.8 ACH50, only mechanical ventilation is one bath fan. Running the fan continuously lowers it to about 925.

    Apparently all the work I've put into airtightness is causing a buildup of carbon dioxide and making me and my family stupid.

  5. AlanB4 | | #5

    @ Nate Well perhaps high CO2 nationwide explains the rise of a certain "crazy" party :P

  6. user-626934 | | #6
  7. user-4310370 | | #7

    Sounds like a good time for some completely natural CO2 converters - how about a little greenery inside :0)

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