Looking for free or cheap heat loss software

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I am looking for a free simple heat loss program so I can play around with various wall, window, floor assemblies? Any ideas?
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BEopt (Building Energy optimization) is pretty good; you can play around with varieties of just about everything. Better yet, U.S tax dollars already paid for it (paid pretty heavily, no doubt). Download completely free.
similarly you can look at hot2000 and its suite from the Canada Gov which we also paid for :)
( believe they are out with hot3000 also now )
I am also looking for a modular 3d heat loss/tranfer software, free or low priced ,
in which we could import or design 3d models with properties
and test for various conditions.
I tried using a window thermal software a few times,
in which you can " 2d" modelise assemblies ( with great pain and difficulties )
you can use custom material if i recall and setup your own U value .
but the interface is as remote from user friendly as you can imagine
a software with the same kind of features and possibilities but in 3d would be superb !
Thanks for tip Jim and Sonny. I am going to check both those suggestions out.