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Matt Risinger Features Cool New Products

rockies63 | Posted in General Questions on

Here’s a nice video showing off  11 new products for home construction. I like the Winbag Air Wedge (minute 0:30) and the Grabo suction cup (minute 1:55).

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  1. user-5946022 | | #1

    Rockies - Agree this was a nice video. I'm partial to the cellulose batts, and the skyplug electrical fixture system. Very cool stuff.

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #2

      User ...022,

      Yeah, the skyplug is long overdue. The way you have to wire and mount ceiling fixtures is absurd.
      What I'd like more though would be if all ceiling fixtures - lights,smoke/CO2 detectors, fans, etc) came with a three prong plug attached to the back, and you could just push them into an outlet mounted in a fixture box.

  2. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #3

    I like the cellulose batts. Would prefer if they came faced.

    I find I'm very sensitive to both fiberglass and rockwool, it it's truly non-irritating that would be a big plus.

  3. rockies63 | | #4

    Here's some more info on Skyplug.

    Metal Drip Pans

  4. AD_in_AK | | #5

    Just got a few of the Maxell pipe flashings. Will be using them later this week.

  5. rockies63 | | #6

    I just found a website that offers lighting fixtures that are already wired up for the Skyplug system.

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