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Mitsubishi Ducted Mini – OK to turn on Dry Mode?

user-5946022 | Posted in General Questions on

Can anyone here advise on whether my ducted Mitsu units can be set to dry mode, or provide a contact at Mitsubishi Tech that will talk to a homeowner/end user?

The install manual for my MRCH1 controls indicates Installer Mode Function 146 is a toggle for “Drying Mode” to be set on or off.  However, I know this control unit is used for many different pieces of equipment.

Since I have one controller for each of the three ducted MrSlim interior units, I presume this mode is set based on the capability of interior unit (and not based on the capability of the branch box or exterior unit) but would welcome being corrected if I have that wrong. 

The interior units are SEZ-KD09NA4 (two) and SEZ-KD15NA4 (one).  The Mitsubishi Technical & Service Manual for these units refers to a “Drying Mode”, so I presume they have one.

Is it safe (as in won’t damage my equipment) to go into Installer Mode on the MRCH1’s and simply turn on drying mode?  Is there any other setting that needs to be changed if this is done?  If not, is there any reason I would NOT want to turn on dry mode?

My reason for wanting to do this is the dedicated dehumidifier that goes with my system has broken, and I thought this may be an effective way to temporarily get dehumidification while I navigate fixing and/or replacing the unit.

Comments & suggestions welcome.

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  1. jwasilko | | #1

    Dry mode works by 'overcooling' the space to dehumidify, using a slower speed fan as well. You should be fine enabling it in the honeywell thermostat.

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