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Occasionally heated garage

the74impala | Posted in General Questions on

We are getting ready to move into a new place for a while, and the garage is separate from the house. It is stick built with OSB sheathing and T111 siding. I would like to insulate it and get ready for the zone 7 winters we have in Northern Wisconsin. I may need to work on a vehicle project. 

This is a duplex and we are only planning on living here a couple of years max, so I don’t want to invest too much. 

Would Tyvek after fiberglass bats cause any problems?  I am wanting to have an air barrier more than vapor since the vapor goes through the Tyvek in and out. I just want to maintain the heat I temporarily need to keep in the enclosure while I am working. 

Would poly be a better choice?  I have some left over Tyvek, so the cash would be minimal for it. 

Same thoughts on the ceiling. I would put some baffles in at the eaves and put up the Tyvek. Then strap underneath with 2x and the ceiling before blowing in cellulose.   

I need to practice cellulose for another project. 

Any thought/suggestions would be great. Thanks

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    I don't see any problem with what you are suggesting. You might want to just use 1"x4"s for the ceiling strapping.

  2. the74impala | | #2

    Only reason I thought 2 x 4 on end so I could keep all the electrical boxes on the inside of the air barrier.

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