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Rain Screen Delete from Garage Detail

idahobuild | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hey All,

I performing a review of the Garage/Dwelling Detail of my current plans, I’ve noticed that they show a rain and bug screens on the garage side.  

Sanity check here.  I don’t need that in the garage detail correct (see atch’d).  I can just use longer screws to attach the gypsum board back to the studs (through the 2″ XPS); correct?

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    I can't think of a situation where having a vented rain screen inside a garage would be important. It also wouldn't hurt anything, but my guess is that your designer was saving time on re-drawing details.

  2. idahobuild | | #2

    After thinking through this again, I think it could also be used as a channel for electrical. That might be used to allow the power to exit the home's airbarrier at the ceiling. Then, come down the wall to a shallow box (depending on wire/box fill capacity) and leaving the insulation (rigid/cavity) undisturbed. Would that work?

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


      The drywaller would vote in favour of there being strapping.

  3. idahobuild | | #4

    True, true.

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