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Recommended concrete moisture levels for spray foam

Karrj | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

I have a poured basement poured 6 months ago bituthene on outside walls. House recently dried in heat in basement has been on for 2 weeks. Moisture content 70% done by drilling holes and placing probes in concrete. Some surface readings done by laying a moisture meter on surface of concrete as low as 30%. Basement stud walls in place ready for spray foam.  At what moisture content (and how should it be measured) can closed cell spray foam be applied?

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  1. kbentley57 | | #1

    Just to be clear, you're talking about moisture content as a percentage, and not the relative humidity inside the concrete, correct? If so that's very wet still.

    Which probes are you using?

    1. Karrj | | #3

      Yes moisture content as a percentage using a moisture meter. We used a moisture meter that rests on the surface of the concrete and had readings from 30 to 58% highest readings at
      The top of the wall. Borrowed a moisture meter from flooring contractor they use before installing floors where you drill about an 1/2 to 1 inch
      And place a probe and reading 70%

  2. Karrj | | #2

    Yes moisture content as a percentage using a moisture meter. We used a moisture meter that rests on the surface of the concrete and had readings from 30 to 58% highest readings at
    The top of the wall. Borrowed a moisture meter from flooring contractor they use before installing floors where you drill about an 1/2 to 1 inch
    And place a probe and reading 70%

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