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Remodeling a house with severe fire damage. Where can I go for remediation advice?

GBA Editor | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

Besides completely gutting the entire house (plaster, lath, mechanicals,etc) removing damaged framing members and painting with BIN sealer, what other lessons have been learned?

After it is 100% gutted, any problem with power washing if weather permits drying? Place was already dowsed by fire department in the winter, and shows signs of mold throughout, but many of the wood floors still seem salvageable, if the odor is eliminated.

Please advise asap. Work in progress, searching for the cure.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You probably want to hire a contractor who specializes in this work. I have heard many tales of people thinking they would be able to eliminate the odor -- and failing. Sometimes it just makes sense to hire a contractor with deep knowledge of their specialty.

  2. Matt | | #2

    I can appreciate that, but I am still in search of the best practice approach, regardless if I sub it out or do it with my crew. Thanks.

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