Rubio Monocoat vs. Safecoat Acrylacq for cabinets?

Hi there,
In working with a custom woodworker we are trying to build green cabinets (green from an air quality stand point). We are trying to decide on a finish for the hardwood doors of the cabinets. We were trying to sort out the differences between Safecoat Acrylacq or Vermont Natural Coatings to choose one of these…. but then…..Rubio Monocoat came to our attention.
I realize that it is a very different type of product than something like Safecoat Acrylacq (which is a water-based poly finish) — I realize Monocoat won’t have the sheen of a poly finish. I think that’s OK with us.
My question is really about Monocoat. It seems almost “too-good-to-be-true” in that it says it has zero vocs and also all non-toxic ingredients….. Can this be? It then seems like the best choice for anyone wanting to finish hard wood cabinets in a way that least impacts air quality. Would you experts agree with that?
I would love to hear answers to:
1) Doesn’t Monocoat seem like the best choice in this situation? and
2) If not, which would you pick, Acrylacq or Vermont Natural Coatings? (and why….)
Thanks so very much,
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I haven't been able to find any information on Rubio Monocoat from a reputable, third-party reviewer that I know and trust. There is no information on the product on the website.
I look forward to any information that GBA readers can provide. In the meantime, you may be interested in reading the information on this blog: Rubio Monocoat Disaster.