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Screw piles instead of concrete foundation for two story addition

Nsgreenhome | Posted in Building Code Questions on

Hello we’re building a two story addition to our home and have decided to use helical piles instead of concrete slab on grade foundation. Each unit is around 950sq. Now the city wants a a new cross section to show the size and ply of new beams, and how the ground floor will be constructed and insulated. I have no idea how to go about doing this. We live in Nova Scotia, Canada with cold long winters. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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  1. Expert Member


    Who did the drawings and specifications for your original building permit submission? Can they not alter the plans to show the new foundation?

    1. Nsgreenhome | | #2

      We hired a designer but would have to pay her more $ in order to make changes to the plan she provided so would prefer to do this ourselves.

      1. Expert Member
        Akos | | #3

        Essentially you can't.

        Screw piles are not part of the prescriptive code, so you need somebody to stamp the design. You are paying for this no matter what.

        You can try to limit the scope, say pick the beams from the prescriptive tables from the code and draw some of your own insulation details.

        As for insulation, you are looking at an exposed floor. This is about what you want:

        The R value of the rigid plus fluffy should be what your code calls for exposed flooring.

        1. Nsgreenhome | | #4

          Hi thanks for the reply. Yes the helical pile company we're going with will provide a plan stamped by their engineer but the city is looking for how the first floor will be constructed/insulated, which the helical pile company will not do. So you're saying we can do this portion our selves by looking at the building code site? Thanks again.

          1. Expert Member
            MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #5


            The first building section in the link Akos provided shows a good floor assembly. You just have to choose the joist sizing and amount of each type of insulation based on the NS building code.

            If the floor is close to grade:
            - The dropped beams may need to be pressure-treated.
            - It may be very difficult to install the protective layer under the joists.

    2. Nsgreenhome | | #7

      Hi thanks for the reply. The floor will be 8-12" off the grade. I saw your old comments and posts and saw that I should say something like this in the plan: framing, subfloor, R-31 Batt Insulation + R-10 CodeBord, framing, and another subfloor.
      I'm just not sure what size for the framing and subfloor. I'm in zone 6, cold and long, wet springs and winters. I really really appreciate your help!

      1. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #8


        - The framing is typically spaced at 16"oc, the spans and depth of the joists depend on what loads they are taking up from above. The sub-floor is usually 5/8" t+g plywood.
        - See what information they will accept for the changes. Here you could not just list them, the drawings would have to accurately reflect what you intended to build, and the changes be made to the plans, elevations and sections.
        - You've got a real problem with a floor that low. You need to work out a detail to get a layer of protective plywood or gypsum board on the underside.
        - Is there any plumbing in these two additions that will need to be brought through the floor?

        1. Nsgreenhome | | #9

          Would R-10-2" board insulation be sufficient for the underside?

          Yes, plumbing will be brought in from the existing house but I'm wondering if we should run them through the interior walls instead of the floor.

          Also you mentioned previously that the dropped beams should be pressure treated. Do you mean the 2x4 framing?

          1. Expert Member
            MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #10


            - You want something to protect the foam from pests, especially as if they get in there you will have no access to the space to deal with them. Even if you just use foam you still have the problem of securing it to the underside of the floor. One way around that is to build a 2"x4" floor first, then the load-bearing one above that, so all the work can be done from above. This link shows that assembly. I used it on an outbuilding last summer and it works well:

            - I would keep as much of the plumbing as you can out of the floor.

            - I meant the beams that will be set on the piers that the floor joists will bear on. If the underside of the floor is only going to be 8" to 10" above grade, those beams will have to be flush, not dropped, but wouldn't need to be pressure treated.

        2. Expert Member
          Michael Maines | | #14

          In the northeast US, floor sheathing (aka subflooring) is usually 3/4" T+G, preferably Advantech. It's probably the same in nearby Nova Scotia.

          1. Expert Member
            MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #16


            Thinking about it again, they are two storey additions. The specs for most of the assemblies should already be called out in the original permit set.

  2. Deleted | | #6


  3. Nsgreenhome | | #11

    Thank you so much, you've been a huge help!! I really appreciate it.

    1. Expert Member
      MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #12


      Good luck with your project.

      1. Nsgreenhome | | #13

        Hi I drew a picture of the assembly for my city permit, do you think this is ok? Thanks again.

        1. Expert Member
          Michael Maines | | #15

          You haven't drawn the floor framing, just the beam and pier, as far as I can tell.

          Burying the beam into the soil puts it at high risk of frost heaving and is not something I would do.

          1. Nsgreenhome | | #17

            I described the sandwich assembly for the floor in the arrow, bottom to top. Is that what you're referring to?

        2. Expert Member
          MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #18


          No. They don't make any sense. As Michael said, you need to show how everything goes together. How is that lower framing attached to anything. How does it transfer the loads from above. How do the beams connect with the framing, how does any of this relate to the plans, etc. And you can't have large black areas on sections.

          Before you spend time on this you should talk to the city. As I said in an earlier comment, they may well want the whole drawing package amended to show the changes. If so that's something you can't do without the approval of the designer who did the drawings, as they hold copyright.

          1. Nsgreenhome | | #19

            Oh sorry I was mistaking the first frame as just being able to sit in the brackets of the screw piles ... they will be on beams. but how, I don't know. sigh.

          2. Expert Member
            Michael Maines | | #20

            There's a reason we designers get the big bucks! (Mostly joking, but there is a lot to know about how things typically go together, alternative ways they can go together and how to relay them in a way that can be understood.)

          3. Expert Member
            MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #21


            It's not just a few things on these sections. Unfortunately you just don't have the construction or architectural experience necessary to do the drawings they want, or an understanding of how all this goes together. And it's not just for approval. The drawings you do will be used by your contractor, so they need to work, or they will end up having to make up details on site, which can have very serious consequences.

  4. Nsgreenhome | | #22

    Thank you both. Michael, are you a designer? Can I pay you to design this? haha

    1. Expert Member
      Michael Maines | | #23

      I am a residential designer but I'm based in Maine and booked out about a year, so I'm not a good option for you, sorry!

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines | | #24

        I have a builder friend on Grand Manaan Island; I could ask him if he has any designers to recommend for you. Where in NS are you?

        1. Nsgreenhome | | #25

          im in halifax! thanks!

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