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Solar lights for exterior

user-5946022 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Has anyone had good experience with solar lights for exterior landscape or accent lighting?  If so, what brands, product features, etc should one look for in selecting these?

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    My expierience with the small path lights has always been bad. It's not a bad concept, it's just that the products I've seen have all been built ultra cheap, and they just don't last. I've had much better luck with the wired systems.

    If there are some quality solar path lights out there I'd love to hear about it.


  2. mathiasx | | #2

    The plastic coating on the solar cells in particular are typically not UV protected and can cloud up after a few years outside. And they’re usually powered off a small rechargeable AA — this can be replaced, but if the solar cell is already cloudy, it’ll never charge up as much.

  3. brp_nh | | #3

    I suppose it depends on expectations, but I've had a good experience buying inexpensive LITOM solar lights. We've mounted these on 4x4 posts:

    They've worked well even through cold NH winters. I've had to replace a couple, but they seem to keep improving them. At the price, I'd say buy a pack and give them a shot.

  4. Expert Member
    Akos | | #4

    Most of these are pretty cheaply made and it is really hard to tell what would be a good unit.

    If you want it to last, best to get something with replicable batteries, best are ones that take LiFePo4 batteries. You want to avoid ones with built in lithium batteries, these are normally cheap LiPo cells and you won't get much more than 2 years out of it.

    Look for units with glass fronted solar modules. You want to avoid anything with plastic coating on the surface as it will cloud up over time.

    Make sure you place it in a place that will see some sun, you'll get very little runtime out of anything that spends most of the day in the shade.

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