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Spray foam insulation

ss4boys | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

We will be building a new house this spring and are concerned about using closed cell spray foam insulation as spec-ed by our architect due to potential health risks. Even though the manufacturers say it is non-toxic and safe, there seem to be many people out there who have found otherwise.

Can anyone recommend a product that is safe to use, non-toxic and affordable?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If you want an introduction to all of the different types of insulation available to you, I suggest that you read the articles on the topic in the GBA Encyclopedia:

    Insulation Overview

    Insulating Roofs, Walls, and Floors

    Insulation Choices

    Batt and Blanket Insulation

    Blown-In or Loose-Fill Insulation

    Rigid Foam Insulation

    Spray Foam Insulation

    It sounds as if you are worried that some members of your family may be chemically sensitive. Many people with these worries end up choosing cellulose insulation. But there is no single answer to your question.

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