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Superinsulation leads to poor cellular service?

scapista | Posted in General Questions on

Just wondering if anyone has had problems with cell phone service in there super insulated home? I recently completed a deep energy retrofit on my house and have noticed the cell phone service has since become somewhere between terrible and non existent. With a wall assembly involving 2 courses of foil faced poly iso and dense pack cellulose totaling about 12 inches, I guess I am not surprised.

At first I didn’t care, but having to stand next to the window or drop a call I have about had it. Add cell phone booster to the list? does anyone have recommendations? Thanks.


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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    I could imagine two layers of foil degrading the signal if it wasn't particularly strong to start with. You might need a microcell or a wifi-capable cell phone.

  2. Anon3 | | #2

    Those boosters uses a lot of watts.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    The GBA web site has an article on almost every topic related to residential superinsulation. Here is the link to the article that addresses your questions:
    Do Foil-Faced Building Products Block Cell Phone Reception?

    -- Martin Holladay

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