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There is antifungicide in the paint of my house, and also antifungicide in the mortar of the tiles, in the whole house.

GBA Editor | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Have chemical allergies, must seal paint and remove floor with other material. Thank you Andy (safe building solutions) for your great advice. Is there anything additional?

smcs consultant/architect/builder

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  1. Derek_Vander_Hoop | | #1

    Elena, people with MCS can react even to natural materials. By using safe building materials and products that can effectively seal, you can eliminate 95% of the agents that cause difficulty. Outdoor air is almost always cleaner and healthier than indoor air. It seems to me that the final step would be to constantly ventilate your home with an ERV or HRV. You may want to check out the Ultimate Air Recoupaerator. I saw their equipment at the Passive House conference last October and it was pretty impressive:

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