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Thermoarcilla? Termoarcilla? Thermal Clay?

ethan_TFGStudio | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I’ve been working with a Spanish carpenter who told me that a lot of walls in Spain are being built with Thermal Clay, which I guess is the translation of Termoarcilla. I have had greast difficulty fining much information online in English (sorry my Spanish is not so good).

Here is some information:

The links on the pagef above provide some information. It seems that these blocks have good insulation, acoustic, and structural characteristics. Of course, thermal bridging looks like an issue, but I am wondering if these could be a part of a wall system with interior service cavity and exterior continuous rigid or rock wool insulation.

Does anyone have experience with Thermal Clay // Termoarcilla?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    In the U.S., this is called terra cotta block. It was a common building material here for many decades, but as far as I know is no longer manufactured in the U.S.

    Concrete block is cheaper. Neither concrete block or terra cotta block is desirable from an energy perspective -- there isn't much R-value there. I suppose you could import them from Spain if you wanted, at great expense -- but why would you want to?

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