This study found multisplit heat pumps with 4+ heads only averaged a cop of 1.12/1.52 while single zone units averaged 3.23.
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Interesting data in how inefficient an oversized multisplit is compared to single zones.
Authored by Cadmus – Spring 2022
E4TheFuture co-funded a Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump Building Electrification Study, researching ccASHP systems in over 40 homes that use ccASHP systems as their primary heating source, designed for whole-home heating and cooling. A Cadmus project team collected in-field metered data across Massachusetts and New York (Fall 2020 through Fall 2021). The resulting analysis culminated in an in-depth study assessing customer satisfaction, system utilization, heating load, and performance during a typical Northeast winter.
Co-funders and collaborators: the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Office.
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