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Trash organization?

NickWelch | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Right now I have, in the kitchen, a roll-out cabinet thing with a trash can and recycling can. I also have a standalone “dual recycler” that I use as two compost bins, one for back yard compost and one for city compost (which can take things like meat). I’m not really thrilled with this mishmash arrangement, but there isn’t a lot of space to steal another cabinet. The compost can currently blocks a small cabinet. Glass just sits on the counter by the sink, since there usually isn’t much, and there’s nowhere else for it to go.

Then there’s the bathroom, where I just have a trash can. I would like a dual compartment can for trash and recycling, but there is no such thing in a small enough size.

Are there options I’m missing? How do you all organize the myriad different types of trash in a small home?

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  1. Siffe | | #1

    Put a paper grocery bag outside the back door and throw all your non-food trash in it. Do the same for recylables, and put your dual recycler in the trash cabinet.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    "Put a paper grocery bag outside the back door..."

    Wind? Rain? Snow? Raccoons?

  3. NickWelch | | #3

    Seems to me like the trash receptacle and cabinet industries are really lagging behind the changes in trash pickup. We need more than two bins. A bag outside is something we resort to sometimes, and it sucks for the reasons Martin mentioned as well as the tediousness and clutter.

    I did some more searching and found some cabinet door mounted bins I can put under the sink for compost. Still no solution for recycling in the bathroom.

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