Trim before soffit out of order…recommend a gap amount?

I was going to do my own soffit and fascia, even bought it and brought it home, but running out of time and thought someone who does it for a living would have less dents than me.
But…my soffit/fascia company is taking it’s time to get out to me, reasonably so because I’m a small job I’m sure. This is holding up my vertical trim to start my Hardie plank.
I emailed and asked what gap I should leave at the top between the rafter and the trim for their angled aluminum soffit install…but nothing back.
Any advice? I could Home Depot look at the width of soffit channel, but maybe I’m not thinking it right and want to ask you all experts first…
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I know it's going to be open to what channel they use and what the manufacture size is...I'd not want to say either...but if anyone has a gap width number, throw it out. I want to get trim going and will just deal with whatever solution is needed later.
Thanks all!
Not sure of your siding/trim detail at top of wall, but would it not be possible to proceed and mount the soffit channel against the face of the frieze board (or whatever your putting up there)?
You could just run it long and back the area they will need to cut out with some flashing and then just trim out with multitool when they get there. Not ideal but if you don’t know the soffit material thickness…. Alternatively they could trim their soffit around it. Also strausjw makes a good point in that you could run essentially a sub friez board at the thickness of the vertical trim and install another frieze after soffit install