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Flush-Mounted TruFig Outlets

rockies63 | Posted in General Questions on

In a recent video from NS Builders they showed off a kitchen back splash receptacle that was completely flush mounted that looked really cool (minute 2:45)

NS Builders

Anyone ever used these?

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  1. Chris_in_NC | | #1

    I don't know if the price has gone down from 4 or 5 years ago, but the outlets were something like $200-300 each once all the necessary drywall mounting panels and accessories were added up.
    There are a few other brands that have similar concepts with different methods of mounting, finishing, etc. All those types of devices are really cool though, and capture the imagination for aesthetics and design, even if I wouldn't actually splurge on them.

    I remember reading that the face-veneered ones (using something like stone veneer from a backsplash, etc.) didn't work great, as the veneer had to be really thin to not interfere with the proper insertion depth of the plug. People were having their stone backsplash cutout with a waterjet for the outlet, then having the cutout piece flatsawn and then waterjet cut to make a veneer plate. That stuff was gorgeous but really expensive for an outlet, especially an outlet that seemed to compromise function for aesthetics.

  2. user-5946022 | | #2

    Another option it to simply add a 3/4 lip at the front bottom edge of the upper cabinets.
    At the locations you want an outlet, have them route out the underside of the cabinet bottom to 1/4" (leaving 1/4" so that the inside of the cabinet top surface is continuous).
    Install some plastic Legrand wiremold outlets mounted to the underside of the cabinets along the back near the wall - they are 1" deep.
    This way you have an uninterrupted backsplash

  3. rockies63 | | #3

    One spot I could definitely see using these are on kitchen islands with a waterfall edge. There's nothing worse than spending all that money on a stone or solid surface material to wrap your kitchen island and then be told "code says you have to have outlets on the island".
    So where do they go? The only spot for them is on the sides, so the first thing people see when they come into the room is that cheap, 10 cent plastic cover plate sticking 1/8" out from the surface of your waterfall panel. I'd rather spend the money and have the outlet and plate disappear.

    1. user-5946022 | | #5

      Nah - you don't put them on the waterfall sides.
      You put one on the "work" side. Install a narrow "fake" fixed drawer front, and put an outlet there. Put the second outlet on the island "bar" side, near the top, on the opposite side of the first one.

  4. Expert Member
    Akos | | #4

    I've never had to cut into the waterfall for outlets. You can mount it either underneath the overhang or onto the rear panel. You can also put a narrow trim panel on the front on top of one of the cabinets and install the outlets there.

    As for a backsplash you can use regular screwless outlet covers color matched to the tile but make them flush with the surface. Grout around the edges as there is very low chance of needing to remove these before the place is renovated again. With a bit of careful planning you can even line up the outlet cover with the tile lines so it practically disappears.

  5. paulmagnuscalabro | | #6

    We've used TruFig outlets on a number of projects. They are really, really slick - they're also really, really expensive. Depends on your goals and your market, but they definitely have their place, and are one of the better options out there for really making outlets go away.

  6. dan_saa | | #7

    For high-end I like these better:

    1. Chris_in_NC | | #9

      What is that in the FAQ about each 22System outlet needing its own branch circuit?

      1. Expert Member
        DCcontrarian | | #10

        You can't do junctions in the box behind the outlet.

  7. rockies63 | | #8

    Dan_saa: Those look really nice. It says on their site that you can "shop their Canadian site" so I assume they are listed and approved for use in North America (they look like they are European style outlets).

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