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Unvented Flat Roof Assembly

Zins | Posted in General Questions on

Thinking through an assembly for a 1:12 roof that I’d like to do unvented. I’m just becoming familiar with this style and would love any and all thoughts.

-2nd Sheathing
-6″ XPS, probably two layers, top one taped.
-Air Barrier
-Original sheathing
-4″ open cell foam
-Vapor barrier

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  1. Zins | | #1

    I forgot, this is Zone 5.

  2. matthew25 | | #2

    You probably don’t need an interior vapor barrier with that much exterior insulation.

    If you have enough exterior insulation you can avoid OC foam on the inside.

    Do you have a way to remove humidity in the attic space? Since your roof assembly is non permeable it might be a good idea to put a humidity sensor up there and monitor for indoor humidity buildup.

    Also, consider polyiso instead of XPS. It is 1/4 the GWP and higher in long-term R-value. It’s what commercial flat roofs use all the time too.

  3. gusfhb | | #3

    In general EPDM is put over a compliant surface IOW ISO foam, which allows it to be glued directly to the paper scrim on the ISO.
    IF you dislike the ISO, a solvent resistant recovery board which would be put over XPS and then glue the EPDM to it.
    So I would suggest
    air barrier
    air barrier

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