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“USA Premium Foam”

Nathan_PA | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

In looking for a contractor to quote on retrofitting wall insulation, I found the contractor at this link, who is offering a “foam-in-place injection insulation” that is “environmentally friendly and emits no CFCs or VOCs.” It is supposedly made of an “aqueous resin solution and foaming agent/catalyst.” They are claiming an R-value of 5.1/inch. Their claims seem almost too good to be true – has anyone heard of a similar product before and is there a downside that they are not talking about?


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  1. brian_wiley | | #1

    I got curious and did a bit of digging on their site. According to the company it is a phenolic-based product. I was unaware that there are a phenolic-based spray foams, but the rigid version typically uses pentane as the blowing agent from everything I could find. I’m not sure where that’d place it in the hierarchy of foam products, but in any case some of the claims on their website still seem a bit far fetched.

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